My Nanny McPhee Moment


I am going to preface this post by explaining my title. Nanny McPhee is a movie about a bunch of unruly children who get a nanny. She teaches them “lessons” about patience, appreciation, being courteous, respecting authority etc throughout the movie without them knowing it. After her five lessons are unknowingly put into action, she disappears.  I was beginning to think I had not made an impact like this on the children I had been watching for nine months but on my last day I was proven wrong, in a very good way.

Wednesday was my last day with the kids I have been watching since last fall. While it may not seem like a long time, I have grown so attached to this family, it was VERY hard to say goodbye. The kids and I have been dreading it for the last month. But I didn’t want to go out on a bad or sad note so we planned the most super awesome week together.

Tuesday we went to Pinkberry, our favorite yogurt hangout. The kids love this place! After our healthy treat we went home for a night of relaxing while watching a movie.

Wednesday came. As usual I woke up at 4 am, got to work at 6 am.. but to my surprise, I-yo answered the door! Dressed and ALL! As I walked in she gave me a BIG hug and told me lunches were already packed, she was dressed, her room was clean and her horseback riding clothes were ready to go! Jare Bear came down shortly after, already dressed and with his riding gear on. They walked me into the kitchen where a bag was sitting by my chair. I handed them their gifts (a picture frame with pictures of us together and a special note to remember me by) and opened mine. They had gone to Starbucks (my favorite mid day hangout and gotten my favorite VIA drinks, a mug and gift card along with the sweetest card and pictures 🙂 Whew..keep it together man!

Lesson 1: Responsibility for oneself

Lesson 2: Appreciation for those around you

After I said my goodbyes to MomBoss, (who was working late and I wouldn’t see again) the kids and I started playing. We turned on a movie, played games and talked about where I was going and why.

I dropped them off at school at their usual time, said “goodbye, have a great day!” like I had every day for the past nine months.. but just as Jare Bear got out of the car he turned around and said “Miss Kelsey, this is the last time you will ever drop us off at school… Have a good day.” (tear jerker instance #2)

Lesson 3: Kindness and Well Wishing

I went back to school mid day to watch Jare Bear get his much earned Honor Roll award. PROUD NANNY IN THE HOUSE! He was so excited and I was honored to get to see him earn this accomplishment. He started spring semester with not so great grades but pulled through and worked hard. AMAZING what effort and hard work add up too!

Lesson 4: Hard work, dedication, self control

The end of school was fast approaching so I left a little early to get in the front of the pick up line.  The kids raced out and hurriedly got in the car. We were off to the races, well.. the ranch! It seemed like forever before we got there but we did. I made a call to the owner of the ranch asking specifically for a white horse for I-yo (who LOVES white horses)! Pattie pulled through and the kids got to ride Sophie, a gentle white mare with soft eyes and gentle manor.100_1429

I-yo was first. My little cowgirl was fearless in the arena, so much so that she got to ride solo. Around she went, gliding effortlessly. Jare Bear was next. He was a little nervous at the beginning but quickly picked up the hang of things. The kids had fun playing with Yum Yum the donkey, Ernie and Hershey the pigs, Mack the cow who thought he was a dog, and the farm dog Jake. After their lessons, the kiddos got to brush down and feed Sophie her favorite treat, carrots!




The ride home was bittersweet, happy from the fun day we had experienced together but knowing it was almost over at the same time. Not even a Happy Meal could help the ride home. Before we got out of the car I-yo said something she has never said before on her own. “Thank you Miss Kelsey. Not just for today, which was totally awesome, but for everything you have done for Jare Bear and me.” (OK if I wasn’t crying before this sent me over the edge..composure… whew!)

Lesson 5: Appreciation, Respect, Gratitude

The kids said goodbye and raced upstairs to change while I talked to DadBoss. Little did I know they had raced off to cry without me seeing them. Eventually Jare Bear came back down with red puffy eyes, asking me not to go. (ahh these kids and their ability to make a grown woman cry…which I guess isn’t that hard since we are pretty much the most emotional beings on the Earth..regardless, I got choked up yet again)

I really hope I stay in touch with this family for a long time. They are forever a part of my life.

In the words of Nanny McPhee:


Tuesday Tips with Jare Bear and I-yo

Thank you for all the questions and participating in Jare Bear and I-yo’s last post as my charges! Here are their responses:

Jare Bear:

What do you recommend nanny’s make for lunch?

I recommend doritos, yogurt, goober sandwich, soft cookies, carrots and broccoli and green apples!

What is your best tip for dealing with temper tantrums? What should we do if you have one?

Try changing the subject or just leave me alone!

What is your favorite subject in school?

Science and math.

Who is your best friend and why?

Seth, Thomas, Andy and Jayden. Seth is my best friend because we randomly started hanging out and had a lot in common. Thomas is my best friend because I was lonely and he asked me to be his friend. Andy is my best friend from second and third grade because again we just started hanging out and became friends. Last but not least, Jayden became one of my best friends because he and I played the same game at recess.

Do you like having a sibling?

I wish my younger sibling was a lot younger. We are close in age so we don’t always get along or hang out. She is into ponies and drawing. I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and foreign money!

What is your pet peeve?

I hate it when my sister purposely annoys me. Or when she makes noises while I am doing homework.

Do you like having a nanny?

Ya! They are fun because they play games, they are always there for you, they try to fix bad days and reward good days with stuff like going to the park or having Pinkberry.

What is your favorite thing to do with your nanny?

I like going to the local mall and hanging out by the lake. We chase birds and make up plays in the outdoor stage.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?

New Zealand because their money is awesome!

What is your favorite color?


Do you do chores at home? Which ones?

Yes, I clean my bathroom, dust my room, feed my fish (I have lots of fish), and filling up water bottles.

What is your favorite tv show?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and How is Money Made.

Do you have a special talent?

I can jump on a pogo stick more than 500 jumps! I can do awesome tricks in the pool.

What would you suggest nannies do to be more fun?

Just be who you are because you are already fun! 🙂


What do you recommend nanny’s make for lunch?

No peanut butter because some people are allergic to it. I like pizza Lunchables, Chewy bars, Capri Sun Super V, and last but not least a surprise treat like candy or popcorn!

What is your best tip for dealing with temper tantrums? What should we do if you have one?

Put me in the calm down corner so I can relax.

Who is your best friend and why?

Alexis, because she always helps me with my problems.

Do you like having a sibling?

No, I would like a sister though

What is your pet peeve?

When my brother goes in my room

Do you like having a nanny?

Sometimes, because I like when she takes us to the park or out for a treat, but I don’t see my parent’s that much.

What is your favorite thing to do with your nanny?

Going to Pinkberry or the lake!

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?

Hollywood and Paris because Hollywood is where acting camps are and Paris because it is so beautiful there and the Effel Tower lights up at night!

What is your favorite color?

Magenta and purple and pink!

Do you do chores at home? Which ones?

Yes, my favorite one is cleaning my mom’s makeup brushes.

What is your favorite tv show/movie?

Harry Potter and Judy Moody

Do you have a special talent?

YES! but its a secret!

What would you suggest nannies do to be more fun?

Take us to a carnival!


Well there you have it, Jare Bear and I-yo’s final interview! Have a Terrific Tuesday 🙂

~Jare Bear and I-yo and Miss Kelsey

Wacky Wednesday Activities with I-yo and Jare Bear

Since school is winding down and the kids  no longer have homework, they have been very interested in my blog. Their stardom continues with a look at their favorite activities, activities they want to do and not so fun activities. Here is a look at my “interview” with the young-soon to be “celebrities”.

Jare Bear:

What is your favorite activity to do with your nanny?

Play board games like Candyland and Headbandz and umm… drawing contest.

What is your favorite way to spend afternoons when you don’t have homework?

watch t.v., play wii or riding my bike and scooter with neighbors. (Jare bear can jump more than 500 jumps on the pogo stick!)

Do you have a favorite game?

Probably basketball (I am really good!) and Headbandz (Disney edition)

Are there any games you want to try that you have never played before?


If you could go on any day trip with your nanny, where would you go? 

Panning for gold at Knott’s Berry Farm (I love gold and foreign money!)


What is your favorite activity to do with your nanny?

I like to go to Pinkberry and do arts and crafts like drawing and cutting out designs and stuff.

What is your favorite way to spend afternoons when you don’t have homework?

I like doing drawing contests with my nanny and brother. And I also like swimming!

Do you have a favorite game?

My favorite games are Monopoly, freeze tag, duck duck goose, Minecraft and I like freeze dance!

Are there any games you want to try that you have never played before?

Pop the Pig, we have it but it is broken so I haven’t played it before.. And infection (kind of like tag but the person that is it is the infection..)

If you could go on any day trip with your nanny, where would you go? 

I would want to go to Seaworld or the movies (if Pinkberry is included) or the aquarium because I love animals! I really want to go Horseback riding with Kelsey because we both love horses! I want to ride a white horse and Kelsey likes the butterscotch and spotted ones 🙂

I Need Your Help!

Hey everyone,

I am going back and forth with what article to submit to Nanny Magazine for submission. So who better to ask then my amazing followers! Has there been an article that I wrote that really captured your attention? Been inspirational? or taught you something about being a nanny? Let me know! I will send the top two picks to Nanny Magazine Friday Morning!

Happy Hump Day! Friday is coming 🙂

Tuesday Treats: A look at I-yo and Jare Bear’s Favorite Eats

Jare Bear’s Picks

Favorite food: Mexican Steak

Favorite Snack: Doritos

Favorite Cookie: soft big chocolate chip cookies!!!

Favorite Fruit: green apples

Favorite lunch meal: goober sandwich (PB & J all mixed up)

Favorite place to Dine Out: Chili’s

I-yo Picks:

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite Snack: Popcorn

Favorite Cookie: chocolate chip cookies with marshmallows

Favorite Fruit: grapes

Favorite lunch meal: homemade lunchables

Favorite place to Dine Out: Claim Jumper

That’s All Folks 🙂 Have a terrific Tuesday!


P.s. Did you know dogs are colorblind? ~ Tip from I-yo

So, you (maybe) want to be a nanny …

These are the perfect questions to ask/ answer on a nanny interview! Puts our job description in perspective 🙂

How to be a {great} nanny

One of the most common interview questions (whether it be for a position or from friends & family) I get asked is, “Why do you want to be a nanny?”  It is so important to know the answer to this … not only to score some extra points during the interview process, but more importantly to know if being a nanny is something you really want. Unlike most part time (and some full time too!) jobs you can get, you really have to love what you are doing. You might not have to love other jobs, and yet you are still fully capable of doing what is expected of you and even doing it well. As a nanny, if you don’t love it, and I mean genuinely, really love it (screaming kids and all!), it shows. The kids feel it. The parents feel it. And when the parents feel it…

View original post 429 more words

I am NOT the Mom, I’m the Nanny

I often say being a nanny is like being a mommy in training. Changing diapers, making meals, helping with homework, driving kids to soccer practice and dance class.. The list is endless. But I am only 19 and I don’t plan on having a kid anytime soon. So I always find it humorous when I take my munchkins out and people mistake me for the mom. When I work for my families with younger-not quite school age yet- kids, I love taking them out to lunch or to the Dollar Store. It gets them out of the house and they love the excitement of shopping and feeling like a big kid. So one day, while on the way to the park, I stopped at the Dollar Store with a 9 month old and a 2 year old to pick up water and a snack since I had forgotten to pack it. Mace, the 2 year old, was extra talkative, pointing out every food item, toy and candy. We kept passing an elderly lady, who would give me the stink eye every time she passed. Of course she thought I was a teen mom, in way over my head. I am old enough to have a two year old and nine month old. I have friends who do. Fast forward and we find ourselves in line behind her at the checkout. Mace saw a toy he really wanted so he said “Miss Kelsey, toy please?” To my surprise the lady turned around and apologized. She had wrongly made assumptions about me being one of “those” girls. She was very impressed by Mace’s vocabulary, manners and personality for a two year old. I said it was a common misconception and I am lucky to have two munchkins as cute and well behaved as these two kiddos. She agreed and went about her merry way.

On another one of our adventures, we went to the park. I was sitting feeding Matt, the 9 month old, a bottle. A mom came up and started lecturing me about how babies should be breast fed as long as possible and formula was bad for their development. And while I agree, there are times where breast milk just isn’t an option. I looked at her, stumped. How could someone come over and voice their opinion so bluntly and accuse me of being a horrible mother? So I looked at her and said I am the nanny, the mom couldn’t breast feed this morning so this is my only option other than letting the baby starve..which when given the option I think I pick formula. I am not the mom nor are you. Thanks for the concern though. Should have seen her face as she walked off.

While on my most recent excursion to Chuck E Cheese, a mom went as far as to give my “son” Mace coins since she felt bad that I probably didn’t have “extra income” to give my kids fun stuff. Can I just say What the H.. E.. double hockey sticks?? While I am not an advocate of teen pregnancy by any means, treating the girls that are young mothers like bums is totally unacceptable! I handed the coins back to her, and said his mom gave us fun money for the afternoon, thanks. Wish you could have seen her face.. it was priceless.

Now please don’t think I am a Smart Alec with all the people who ask me about “my kids”. Often times people are cordial saying “your kids are so well behaved” or “how old is your son”. Some times I just answer “thank you” or “two, thanks” since explaining my job would take to long. Other times, like while waiting in line, I will respond “thank you, but I can’t take all the credit for their manners, I am the nanny”

What is my point? I don’t mind being assumed as the mom of the kids I nanny. In fact, I hope someday my kids are as well behaved, cute and funny as these kids are. But I do mind insensitive and rude comments that are hastily made based on stereotypes and cultural assumptions. My point of this posting is this, be respectful of people’s situations and don’t be quick to judge. Who knows, the young girl with two kids could just be the nanny.


Has this ever happened to you? How did you handle the situation?

Monday Giggles

Friday morning started out like any other Friday. Woke up at 4:45 am, left for work at 5:30 am, was briefed by mom boss at 6:30 am. Woke the kids up at 7 am. Now this is where it took a turn for the worst. As I was waking up Jo Jo, I felt something “pop” in my stomach followed by excruciating pain. It was to the point where I couldn’t get off the couch.  I quickly got them to school and hurried for home. The pain was so bad I went to urgent care. They sent me to ER. I texted my mom boss to tell her what was going on. She was very sympathetic and understanding about me not being able to pick up the kids from school. She had been in an administration meeting when my text came through. Her boss stopped the meeting and said “your kids put your nanny in the hospital?” (note it wasn’t a surprised like-omg how was more surprised they waited this long to do me in)

When mom boss told me of what her boss had said my only response (while on morphine I might add) was “haha I think they would put me in the nut house before sending me to the hospital”…

Now its Monday, no more happy pills….woke up at 4:45, left for work at 5:30, briefed by mom boss at 6:30. Kids are awake and no sign of pain 🙂

Happy Monday Everyone 🙂


A Semi-Biased Review of Children Television Shows

Yesterday my big accomplishment for the day was winning a competition of listing off the most kid shows…with a three year old. Yes, that really happened. But I realized, half those shows are even below a two year old’s intelligent level. There are 100’s of shows dedicated to children on several t.v. stations but how many of them are worth watching? Very few. Here is my Good, Bad, Ugly list of shows for children under 10.


  • 64 Zoo Lane-good for animal recognition and promotes teamwork
  • Angelina Ballerina encourages kids to dance with Angelina, promotes problem solving
  • The Bernstein Bears- what’s not to love about da Bears? They help kids with firsts (ie doctor’s appts, going to the zoo etc)
  • Sid the Science Kid- early insight into science and having a passion for something
  • Good Night Show- relaxing, soothing and does calm down kids.
  • Sesame Street- as much as I don’t personally like it, the show was taught to teach kids basics like the alphabet, safety, teamwork and sharing.
  • The Wiggles- I really don’t know why I put this on the good list other than it encourages dancing like Angelina Ballerina.
  • Zaboomafoo- my favorite show growing up, it is about animals, animal safety and exploring.
  • Out of the Box- CREATIVITY. period.
  • Dora the Explorer- bilingual interaction and problem solving.
  • Go, Diego Go- offshoot of Dora and offers the same pros
  • Curious George- can’t say anything bad about this show…who doesn’t love an adorable monkey?
  • Mickey Mouse Clubhouse- Disney doesn’t get it wrong with this show. Interactive and age appropriate.


  • Thomas and Friends-Love Thomas but the show features a lot of bullies. The little boy I watch picked up on that more than Thomas overcoming obstacles.
  • Barney- While Barney features arts and crafts and playing nice, it is just not what it used to be when I was growing up.
  • Hannah Montana- innuendos, annoying and focus on materialism and fame…need I say more?
  • Victorious- *see comment about Hannah Montana*
  • ICarly- *again…see comment about Hannah Montana*
  • Lazy-Town- It is just creepy. The bad guys spies on the little girl and they don’t accomplish much but running away from him.
  • Max and Ruby-While it shows a brother and sister learning to work out differences and be a team, Ruby is a very bossy older sister.


  • Spongebob- I despise this show. It literally kills brain cells. I feel dumber after watching for 5 minutes.
  • Cailou- whiny little 4 year old who is scared about everything. Thank you for teaching kids how to complain and go to mommy about everything.
  • Teletubbies- should be self explanitory…this show sucks. No words, pointless babble and running around.
  • Simpsons- inappropriate for 13 and under
  • South Park- inappropriate for 16 and under
  • Family Guy- inappropriate for 16 and under
  • Boobah-offshoot of Teletubbies that should not have even existed.
  • Yo Gabba Gabba- I can’t get past their shapes…what are they?

Now these are obviously not all of the shows out there. If there is one you are particularly passionate about let me know, I would love to add it to the list. I am not against television, but if children sit in front of it for hours on end, it would be nice if they could at least learn something positive from it. Kids are so easily influenced and I don’t think people have fully caught on to that yet. And while I could go into a long drawn out debate on the increase in violence being in part caused by increasing violent shows and games…I will save that for another day. I will say on a personal note, I was addicted to Rugrats when I was little. My mom noticed I was becoming increasingly bossy and aggressive with my sister. If you watched Rugrats, you know Angelica was the older cousin who bossed the babies around. The consequence? I couldn’t watch it if I was going to mimic Angelica. Case in point, be mindful of what your charges are watching.
